Research Students

The students listed below are those who have transferred from Probationer Research Student (PRS) to DPhil status, and who have opted-in to have a profile page. For details of the key milestones for DPhil students please see here. This page is currently being updated.


First Name



DPhil Title (click to go to student profile page)

Payvand Agahi Harris Manchester Conceptualising virtue: an examination of the relationship between religious approaches and the VIA of positive psychology
Ghila Amati Balliol Lebensphilosophie in Rabbi Avraham Itzhak HaCohen Kook’s Thought
Yaseen Christian



Principles and Practice of Knowledge: al-Mukhtār al-Kuntī’s (d. 1226/1811) Contribution to the Islamic Intellectual Tradition in West Africa

David Bennett Wycliffe Hall Queering the Queer: In what ways can the witness of homosexual celibate ascesis (HCA) renew and inform the role of desire in Anglican moral and pastoral theology?
Michael Bester St Cross  ‘Episcopacy and Parochialism in Robert Gray’s Diocese of Cape Town 1848–1871: Disputes and Resolutions in the Reception of the Oxford Movement in South Africa’
Jennifer E. Brown Blackfriars Naturalised Metaphysics and Christological Realism: the hard problem of knowledge and the rationality of the thinking Being for Science
Dallas  Callaway Magdalen Kierkegaardian Selfhood as Pursuit of the Greatest Commandment
Nathan Coundon Trinity ‘Can the Cappadocian theory of Divine Simplicity address the modern problems in understanding this doctrine?’
Joshua Gregory Caminiti Lincoln Transmarine churches in Augustine's anti-Donatist polemic and the North African ecclesiological tradition
Ed Chan-Stroud Kellogg Playing with the Living God: Worship, God Representations and Spiritual Well-Being
Natasha Chawla St Cross A Tagorian Eco-philosophy: An Indian Perspective on Humanity, Nature, and Modernity
Ariel Dempsey Wycliffe Hall Palliating Uncertainty: Tools from the Pragmatism of William James, MD
Lyndon Drake Worcester The Hermeneutics of Economic Writing in Jeremiah 32
Salim Farrar Wolfson Practical Sufism and Living Sharīʿah: A Case Study of Three Contemporary Ṣūfī Networks
Buki Fatona Wolfson The Role of Concepts in the Execution of Actions
Gonzalo Fernandez Worcester An Examination of the Soteriological Role of Yoginīs in Śākta Tantric Śaivism




[Tentative] Can the concept of love in Augustinian political theology help ground a common state for Muslims and Christians?

Lizibeth Fischer Wycliffe Hall Faith and Trust: A Theological and Philosophical Study
Alexander Fogassy Oriel Is Second-Person Relatedness a Factor in Epistemic Understanding? A Philosophical, Scientific, and Theological Study
Herald Gandi Worcester Poetics of Psalm Creation in Jonah
Alberto Garzoni Keble Raising Christ's Voice. Augustine's Pastoral Understanding of Voice and Public Life
Eduardo F.

Gutiérrez González


Vanquishing the Wars Within. Religious Imagination & the Pursuit of Human Consilience

James Hooks Lincoln Pierre Bayle’s Theology of Toleration and Its Reception in Early Eighteenth-Century England
Ben Isachsen Balliol Sons of Abraham: Non-Hegemonic Masculinity in Luke and Acts
Yasmin Jaffri Wolfson Religion and Politics in South Asia
Joseph Justiss Blackfriars Large-Scale Transpositions in G and M Proverbs: An Analysis of the Interpretive
Effect and Editorial Motivations of Variant Juxtapositions
Un Sung Kwak St John's Rhetoric in 1 Esdras 3–4 (The Story of the Three Bodyguards)
James A. Lawrence St Antony's Technosticism: The Definition and Defence of a Transhumanist Soteriology with Philosophical Analysis and Theological Response
Gerry Lynch St Stephen's The Lambeth Conferences of 1988 and 1998
Scott Maybell St John's Scott Maybell
Maura McKeon Blackfriars Bede and the Psalms
Harry Moore Brasenose The Critique of Kantian Epistemology in S. L. Frank’s Early Religious Philosophy
Lauren Morry Lady Margaret Hall  Liturgies of Encounter: The Character of Shared Spaces and Interactions Between Anglicans and Muslims in the Church of England’s Diocese of Birmingham
Brett Parris Balliol Yogic Metaethics: A comparative analysis of links between metaphysics, conceptions of liberation, yogic practice, and ethics, in four Indian traditions
Matthew Robinson Wycliffe Hall Miracles as Prophetic Authentication in Jewish, Pauline, and Second - Century Christian Texts
Brace Shawn St. Catherine's College

The Development of Anti-Creedalism in Nineteenth-Century American Christianity

Mirjam Schilling Exeter Is there a line between good and evil? A virological exploration of theological doctrines
Alberto Solano Zatarain Keble Sinai and Hebrews: Rethinking the Place of Sinai in the Epistle to the Hebrews




Old Testament: 'Orality, Meaning, and the Rhetorical Persistence of Traditional Forms in Ancient Hebrew Poetry'

Blake Trimble Mansfield

Le mystique de la vie quotidienne: An Approach to the Theology and Cultural Analysis of Michel de Certeau 




Religious Eco-Materialisms: Affect, Animality, and the Antihuman

Imran Visram St Antony's

The Preservation and Migration of Indo-Ismaili Gināns

Rebekah Wallace Keble / Oriel Embodied Cognition and Christian Theological Conceptions of the Human Person
David M. Williams Keble Reimagining the University: Schleiermacher, Newman, and Kuyper on Theology and the End of Higher Education
Dean Winslow Blackfriars As you do unto the least of these—War, refugees, immigrants, and faith
Sarah Wisialowski Oriel Efficacious Prayer and Revelation: Two Case Studies in Second Temple Judaism
Andrew Wong St Stephen's House The Impetus of Love: Towards a Theology of the Affections in Augustine
Oliver Wright Keble The Performativity of Christian Discourse

Güzin A. 

Yener Lady Margaret Hall Kurukullā: The Scarlet Enchantress of Love, Power and Magic in Tibetan Buddhism