Faculty of Theology and Religion : All Pages
- Copyright
- Picture Credits
- Study here
- Postgraduate Study
- DPhil in Theology and Religion
- Postgraduate Funding
- Resources for graduate study
- Information for DPhil applicants
- MSt Theology
- MPhil Theology
- PG Diploma Theology and Religion
- MPhil Judaism and Christianity in the Graeco-Roman World
- MPhil Philosophical Theology
- MSt Philosophical Theology
- MSt Study of Religions
- Training for ministry
- MTh Applied Theology
- PG Diploma Applied Theology
- Information for taught applicants
- Study of Religions
- Hebrew Bible & Old Testament
- History of Christianity
- Historical and Systematic Theology
- Philosophical Theology
- Christian and Religious Ethics
- Science and Religion
- About us
- Alumni
- Contact us
- Vacancies
- Visitorships
- Graduate taught frequently asked questions
- Home
- Membership
- Oxford Psalms Network
- Professional Support staff
- Kristine MacMichael
- Biswajyoti Ghosh
- A Postsecular Age? New Narratives of Religion, Science, and Society
- Special Divine Action, AAR Pre-Conference Symposium
- Workshop: Early Modern Laws of Nature: Secular and Divine
- Events
- Oxford Theologian
- Professor Christopher Rowland
- Accessibility
- Professor Justin Jones
- Professor Diarmaid MacCulloch
- Professor Hindy Najman
- Professor Katherine E. Southwood
- Professor Jan Westerhoff
- Professor William Wood
- Dr Andrew Pinsent
- Mrs Lucy Gardner
- Dr Daphne Hampson
- Dr David Heywood
- Christopher Jones
- Dr Michael Lakey
- Dr Benedikt Paul Goecke
- Dr Christopher Lewis
- Dr Rembert Lutjeharms
- W. M. (Peggy) Morgan
- Dr Olivera Petrovich
- Dr Deborah Rooke
- Dr Alistair Ross
- Dr Susanna Snyder
- Dr Michael Ward
- Dr Bjarne Wernicke-Olesen
- Dr Jonathan Brant
- Dr Minlib Dallh
- Professor John Day
- Dr Eric Eve
- Revd Professor Paul Fiddes
- Dr Richard Finn
- Dr Jessica Frazier
- Dr Miri Freud-Kandel
- Emeritus Professor Martin Goodman
- Dr Andrew Gregory
- Dr Susan B Griffith
- Dr Shaun Henson
- Dr John Jarick
- Dr Christine Joynes
- Revd Canon Bruce Kinsey
- Dr Matthew D. Kirkpatrick
- Dr Julia Konstantinovsky
- Dr Larry Kreitzer
- Dr Dave Leal
- Revd Dr Michael Lloyd
- Revd Canon Dr Judith Maltby
- Dr Mary Marshall
- Dr T. J. Mawson
- Dr Andrew Moore
- Dr Louise Nelstrop
- Dr Stan Rosenberg
- Dr Catherine Ross
- Professor Alison Salvesen
- Humphrey Southern
- Revd Dr Andrew Teal
- Professor Christopher Tuckett
- Dr Hilla Wait
- Dr Robin Ward
- Dr George Westhaver
- Dr Martin Whittingham
- Dr Anna Chrysostomides
- Squire and Marriott Bursaries
- Professor Mark Edwards
- Professor Markus Bockmuehl
- Professor Johannes Zachhuber
- Dr A. K. M. Adam
- Professor Joshua Hordern
- Dr Afifi al-Akiti
- Dr Sarah Apetrei
- Professor Andrew Atherstone
- Professor John Barton
- Dr Jane Baun
- Professor Nigel Biggar
- Dr Myra Blyth
- Professor Phil Booth
- Rev Jennifer Brown
- Canon Professor Mark D. Chapman
- Dr Elizabeth (Liz) Carmichael
- Dr Anthony Clarke
- Dr Hywel Clifford
- Dr Joanna Collicutt
- The Contested Seed of Abraham
- Inspired by God: Bede and the Writing of History
- Concepts of Disease: Dysfunction, Responsibility and Sin
- Professor Sondra Hausner
- Duty, Courage, Faith: The Chavasse Family in World War I
- Being Human Festival
- Professor Jennifer Strawbridge
- Professor Henry Mayr-Harting (Emeritus)
- Professor Anna Sapir Abulafia
- Professor Sarah Foot
- Professor Carol Harrison
- Revd Canon Professor Susan Gillingham
- Professor Joel Rasmussen
- Professor Alister McGrath
- Professor Graham Ward
- Bursary Applications
- Faculty tops QS University Rankings
- Faculty seminars
- News
- Blogs
- Blog 1
- Blog 2
- Blog 4
- Blog 5
- Blog 6
- Blog 7
- Blog 8
- The Rise of Christian Theology and the End of Ancient Metaphysics
- Where is your favourite place to work?
- The Remedy
- Is there any point in God?
- Boundaries of Science: Medieval Condemnations of Philosophy as Heresy
- Podcasts
- Decoding Oxford
- What Kylie did next
- Christianity Does Not Justify Trump’s ‘Fire and Fury’
- New blog post: Christianity Does Not Justify Trump’s ‘Fire and Fury’
- It's all Greek to me
- New blog post: It's all Greek to me
- The Ian Ramsey Centre Series in Science and Religion
- Would you want to live for ever?
- Is God a figment of our imagination?
- Nick Fowler
- Harry Martin
- In memoriam: Nabeel Qureshi
- Meeting with Islamic feminists
- Diarmaid MacCulloch: Sex and the Church
- Test1
- Crewdson Trust Awards
- Professor Alister McGrath on the ABC: 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation
- Professor Strawbridge made Honorary Canon of Chichester Cathedral
- Dr José Hernández, the first NASA astronaut from a Mexican migrant family
- Oxford Theologian 2017
- Vacancy: McDonald Postdoctoral Fellowship in Christian Ethics and Public Life
- An Interview with Professor Anna Sapir Abulafia Part 1/5
- Christian Ethics meets... Improvised Comedy?
- The Pamela Sue Anderson Studentship
- Love and Vulnerability: In Memory of Pamela Sue Anderson
- 'Imagining the Divine' Art and the Rise of World Religions, an exhibition at Oxford's Ashmolean Museum
- An Interview with Professor Anna Sapir Abulafia Part 2/5
- UNIQ Summer School: A Reflection by Robert Brown
- An Interview with Professor Anna Sapir Abulafia Part 3/5
- An Interview with professor Anna Sapir Abulafia Part 4/5
- Stranger in a Strange Land
- An Interview with professor Anna Sapir Abulafia Part 5/5
- Learning a Prelims language
- Dr Patrick Riordan
- "Rethinking Nationalism, Sectarianism and Ethno-Religious Mobilisation in the Middle East"
- Paul and Patristics: A New Online Database
- On Science, Religion, and Dual Vocations
- Dr Justyn Terry
- Vacancy: Departmental Lecturer in Study of Religion
- Vacancy: Part-time Departmental Lecturer in Patristics
- Professor Gillingham shortlisted for Student-Led Teaching Award
- Ptarmigan Lecture
- McDonald Lectures in Christian Ethics & Public Life
- Hensley Henson Lectures
- Oxford DPhil student becomes Editor-in-Chief of Zygon
- Dr Darren Sarisky to receive Teaching Excellence Award
- Knighthood for Dr Ralph Waller
- Crack the Code! Learn about the atbash cipher and how to crack it!
- The Bible and the Academy
- Congratulations to Dr Cressida Ryan
- Professor Carol Harrison made a Fellow of the British Academy
- Dr Talal Al-Azem
- Dr Nils Ole Oermann
- Wisdom & Ethics Workshop
- In Memoriam: Jyoti Raghu
- What has theology got to say about healthcare?
- Theologies of Retrieval: An Exploration and Appraisal
- New Generation Thinker, Dafydd Daniel: An Interview
- Home
- Background History Philosophy Heresy
- Eternity of the World
- Unicity of the Intellect
- Image Credits
- Dr William Lamb
- Undergraduate Prize Winners
- Chris Rowland receives Burkitt Medal
- Professor Gillingham appointed Canon Theologian
- Dr Sollereder on "Mid-Faith Crisis"
- Dr Eleanor McLaughlin on BBC R4, "In Our Time"
- Faculty members in the media
- Dr Nicholas Austin SJ
- Dr Tobias Tanton
- Is it OK for theologians to mock death?
- Naomi Richman on BBC Radio 5
- Professor Jane Shaw
- British Centre for Durkheimian Studies (BCDS)
- New graduate studies video
- 2019 Bampton Lectures now on YouTube
- Dr. Steven Firmin
- Research Centres and Projects
- Dr Dafydd Mills Daniel at the BBC Radio 3 Free Thinking Festival
- Dafydd Mills Daniel on Isaac Newton
- Dr Dafydd Mills Daniel on BBC Radio 3: The mob as a political entity
- Dr Dafydd Mills Daniel on BBC Radio 3: Rethinking the Human Condition
- Dr Dafydd Mills Daniel pre-performance discussion of Richard Strauss’ Salome at the English National Opera
- Dr Dafydd Mills Daniel on BBC Radio 3: Enchantment, Witches and Woodlands
- Dr Dafydd Mills Daniel on BBC Radio 3: Isaac Newton
- In Memoriam: Nabeel Qureshi
- Dr David Downs appointed as Clarendon-Laing Associate Professor in New Testament Studies
- Revd Dr Robert Wainwright
- Dr Richard McCallum
- Pusey Conference 2020
- Oxford Impact Case-studies: Advancing Medical Professionalism
- Dr Rebecca Dean
- Dasturzada Dr Jal Pavry Memorial Lecture 2019
- Dr Laura Quick appointed as Associate Professor of Theology and Religion: Hebrew Bible/Old Testament
- Diarmaid MacCulloch awarded the Leopold Lucas Prize
- Access & Participate
- Engagement
- Diarmaid MacCulloch: On the History of Christianity
- Information and Opportunities for Individuals
- Information and Opportunities for Schools and Teachers
- Online Resources
- How to Apply
- Careers and Graduate Destinations
- Wilde Lectures: 'God, Human Nature and Mathematics'
- Dafydd Mills Daniel appeared at the BBC Radio 3 Free Thinking Festival
- Dafydd Mills Daniel in The Spectator's 'Coffee House' on divorce law changes
- Jennifer Strawbridge: Lambeth Conference 2020 and Biblical Study
- Aristotle and Early Christian Thought - Book discussion - Mark Edwards
- Ann Giletti: BoundSci Public Engagement Activities
- Dr Dafydd Mills Daniel appearing on The Story of God with Morgan Freeman
- Joshua Hordern: Advancing Medical Professionalism
- Dr Erin Heim
- Dr Michael Oliver receives Award for Excellence
- Oxford Theological Exchange Programme (OTEP)
- Faculty Seminars
- Nolloth Professorship of the Philosophy of the Christian Religion
- Hensley Henson Lectures 2019
- Junior Research Fellowship in Religion and the Frontier Challenges - Pembroke College-Oxford
- News and Events
- Blogs and Podcasts
- Dr Celia Deane-Drummond
- Dr Kirsten Macfarlane appointed as Associate Professor in Early Modern Christianities
- Dr Dafydd Mills Daniel - Radio 3 Documentary "Sir Isaac Newton and the Philosophers' Stone"
- BAJS Conference 2019
- Professor David Downs
- Naomi Richman works with the Metropolitan Police
- Dr Daniel D. De Haan
- First Scovil Scholarship winner announced
- Abrahamic Seminar and Trip to Israel
- Professor Laura Quick
- Examination Prizes
- Undergraduate Study
- Postgraduate Course Handbooks
- Dr Cian Power
- Castle, Chapel, College
- Theology Study Day 2019
- The Revd Canon Trevor Williams - obituary
- Dr Dafydd Mills Daniel on 'Landmark: George Eliot's Mill on the Floss'
- Oxford Theologian
- Wilde Lectures in Natural Theology 2019
- Professor N. T. Wright
- New Undergraduate Study Video
- Best documentary at the Love Story Film Festival
- 2020 McDonald Centre Annual Conference
- Hensley Henson Lectures 2020
- Why is Psalm 119 in the Psalter? TORCH Psalms Network
- Undergraduate Admissions FAQs
- Lecture Schedule
- Mark Chapman to be awarded honorary doctorate
- Student article published: Fear not, sneer not: A healthy Christian response to COVID-19
- "How to celebrate Easter under lockdown"
- Professor Stefano Zacchetti - obituary
- Applications Reopened 2020-21
- COVID 19 - Your country needs you
- Open Days
- Tim Middleton
- Statement regarding Professor Jan Joosten
- Dr Pete Jordan
- Professor Mark Wynn
- Genesis 6 as a Fairy Tale
- Eleanor McLaughlin's New Book on Bonhoeffer
- Dr Dafydd Mills Daniel appears on BBC Radio 3 and BBC/AHRC New Thinking podcast: theology, nature-writing, and the history of science
- PG Dip. and MTh Applied Theology 2020-21 Deadline 31st July
- Fellows of the British Academy
- Dr Brendan Harris
- Professor Anthony G. Reddie
- Dr Sarah Brush
- Anthony Reddie's New Book: Is God Colour-Blind?
- "AGEING & DESPAIR" - A Virtual Interdisciplinary Conference
- Dr Samuel Hughes
- “An Evolving Relationship: The University of Oxford and the Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies”
- Dr. David Bennett
- Unconscious Christianity in Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Late Theology by Eleanor McLaughlin
- “Exceptionally promising” researcher receives Philip Leverhulme prize
- 2019-2020 Prize Winners
- Dr Edward A. David
- “Leading Beyond the Crisis”
- Dafydd Mills Daniel - a Bridport Prize winner in Short Fiction
- A History of the Bible: The Book and its Faiths by Professor John Barton
- Oxford Character Project Research Fellow publishes monograph on corporate religious liberty
- Theology Faculty Postdoctoral Fellow contributes to Biden administration editorial
- New Graduate Journal Launched
- Faculty Members
- Lauren Morry
- Created Male and Female
- Joseph Butler Society Events
- Article on Disney Pixar's 'Soul'
- Research Overview
- Faculty Officers
- Dr Sean Oliver-Dee
- Lecture on Philosophy, Theology & Agriculture: The Missing Link
- Dafydd Mills Daniel on BBC Radio 3: John Henry Newman and the Oxford Movement
- UNIQ Summer School
- Oxford and Cambridge Virtual Student Conference
- Patristics
- New Testament
- Student featured in 'Future Leaders' 2020-21
- Virtual Open Days - Friday 17th September
- Dr Sally Frampton
- The Oxford Character Project contributes to global conference
- Religion in the British Isles 1400-1700 Seminar
- Speaker Lectures, 8-10 June 2021
- Dr Richard Conrad
- Purpose and Vocation: Building a life of character and commitment
- Bampton Lectures, 11 & 18 May 2021
- THE MCDONALD CENTRE: On-Line Conference, 27-28 May 2021 "Christianity, Commerce and Civilisation?"
- New Faculty Student Photography Contest 2021
- Dr Michael Dormandy
- D. Herskowitz awarded the Salo W. and Jeannette M. Baron Young Scholar Award
- Dafydd Mills Daniel – shortlisted for Society of Authors’ Award
- The Joseph Butler Society - Events
- Queen’s Birthday Honour for Oxford theologian
- Nigel Biggar: reassessing the ‘just war’ tradition for modern times
- Rev Dr David Goodill
- Professor Lesley Smith
- Susan Gillingham: Taking the Psalms Online
- Justin Jones: Debating British Muslim marriages
- Dafydd Mills Daniel on BBC Radio 4's The Moral Maze
- Dr Ralph Stefan Weir
- Alberto Garzoni
- David M. Williams
- Herald Gandi
- Dr Maria Power
- James A. Lawrence
- Congratulations to our undergraduate offer holders!
- Dr Oliver Keenan
- Christopher Wadibia
- Dafydd Mills Daniel - 'Talking Emotions' at the Ashmolean Museum
- Revd Dr Andrew D. Bowyer
- Faculty Prize-Winners 2021
- David Sheen
- The Rev'd. Dr. Lyndon Drake
- Dr Bruno John Clifton
- Dr John D O’Connor
- Imran Visram
- New Issue of the Journal of the Oxford Graduate Theological Society (JOGTS)
- Lectures
- The Oxford Character Project - Michaelmas Term 2021 Academic Seminars
- Irene Katusiime
- Dr Tobias Cremer
- Ugo Zilioli
- Faith at the Frontiers - Podcast
- Biblical Scholarship in an Age of Controversy
- Joseph Butler Society events - Michaelmas Term 2021
- Daniel M. Herskowitz
- Dr Dafydd Mills Daniel discusses the ethics of land at the Scottish Land Commission
- The Big Oxplore Essay Competition!
- Salim Farrar
- Grinfield Lectures
- Payvand Agahi
- Climate refugees in a climate of fear: why catastrophizing makes things worse
- Hesychasm in Context: Theology and Society in the Fourteenth Century
- 2022 McDonald Centre Annual Conference
- Dr Jessica Frazier on In Our Time on BBC Radio 4
- Podcast for the Theology Timeline - A. Reddie
- Natasha Chawla
- Dafydd M. Daniel Features in New Penguin Audiobook
- Dafydd Mills Daniel's Bob Dylan documentary on BBC Radio 3
- Dr Edward Howells
- Open Days 2022
- Mirjam Schilling
- Yaseen Christian Andrewsen
- Faculty Prize-Winners 2022
- Welfare Award to a Theology Student - Oxford SU’s Student Awards
- Jennifer Emily Brown
- Orion Research scholarship for our two DPhils in Hebrew Bible/Old Testament
- Feedback for Undergraduate Applicants
- PD Dr Harald Samuel
- Dr Brett Parris
- Dr Szilvia Szanyi
- Ed Chan-Stroud
- McDonald Centre Annual Conference 2023
- Gerry Lynch
- Claire MacLeod
- Graduate Students and Faculty Invited to Trial New Database for Buddhist Studies (Expires 6th April)
- Professors Alister McGrath and John Barton at the Oxford Literary Festival 2023
- Professor Gavin Flood
- Book at Lunchtime: Compassion in Healthcare: Pilgrimage, Practice and Civic Life
- Ptarmigan Lecture 2023: Varieties of Dualism in Late Antiquity
- Bampton Lectures 2023: Jesus and the Displaced: Christology and the Redemption of Habitation
- Revd. Dr. Timothy Howles
- Book Launch at Wycliffe Hall
- Dr Paul Gareth Weller
- Postgraduate Scholarships at Regent's Park College
- The Campion Lecture 2023 T. S. Eliot, Terrible Celibate: Suffering and Sexuality in the Letters to Emily Hale
- Mary-Grace Costello
- Events Digest
- Personal Identity and the Creation of Self
- Course Descriptions for the Final Honour Schools and Postgraduate Diploma
- McDonald Centre Annual Conference 2023: Conditions for Corrosion: How are Good Healthcare Practitioners Made and Lost?
- When Beliefs Don’t Seem True
- Public Lecture: Conditions for Corrosion - Cultivating Hope as a Condition for Correction
- Public Lecture: Conditions for Corrosion - What does listening to patients have to do with good medicine?
- From Black Theology to Black Lives Matter and Back Again
- Call for Papers 2023 - Journal of the Oxford Graduate Theological Society
- Professor Mark Harris Appointed to Andreas Idreos Professorship of Science and Religion
- Infecting Minds: The Past, Present and Future of Vaccine Hesitancy
- Call for Papers: XIX International Conference on Patristic Studies
- Professor Mark Edwards Elected as Fellow of the British Academy
- BA Theology and Religion
- Course Options for the Preliminary Examination
- BA Philosophy and Theology
- BA Religion and Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
- Faculty Prize-Winners 2023
- Christopher Nolan’s Oppenheimer (2023): A Film Review
- The Speaker’s Lectures in Biblical Studies 2023
- Dr. Alex Muir
- Oliver Wright
- Oxford Mosaic Accessibility Statement
- Joshua Caminiti
- Dr. Max Baker-Hytch
- Dr. Rachel Cresswell
- On the Sublime: Poetic Theory in the Age of Dryden
- Dr. John Olson
- Prof. Mark Harris
- Dr Rachel Kowalski
- Jonathan H. Young
- Conducting & Theology: An Interview with Felix Kirkby
- Dr Ian Boxall
- Dr Eleanor McLaughlin
- Oxford Graduate Theological Society (OGTS) visit to Parliament
- New appointment establishes Oxford as a “major centre” for the study of Islamic philosophy and theology
- The Bampton Lectures 2024 | Rowan Williams Lecture 1 - Creating an Ideal: Solidarity and Catholic Social Thought
- The Bampton Lectures 2024 | Rowan Williams Lecture 2 - An Ambivalent Ideal: Challenges to an Ethic of Solidarity
- The Bampton Lectures 2024 | Rowan Williams Lecture 4 - Solidarity, Rights and the Image of God: Ethics and Christian Anthropology
- The Bampton Lectures 2024 | Rowan Williams Lecture 3 - Solidarity Against Tribalism: the Contemporary Challenge
- Mark Jordan appointed to George Eastman Visiting Professorship
- Shawn Brace
- Nathan Coundon
- John Olson wins prestigious Gunton-Webster Memorial Essay Prize from the Society for the Study of Theology
- Cole Arthur Riley | This Here Flesh: Spirituality, Liberation and the Stories that Made Us
- Mysticism and Action Mystical Theology Network Conference
- Jess Wyatt
- The Annual McDonald Centre Conference | The Public Legitimacy of the Church of England.
- Dr Edward Sutcliffe
- Faculty of Theology and Religion: Use of cookies on this website
- Chantal Galvan
- Susannah Cogan
- Dr John Ritzema
- Nayomi Dep
- Natasha Purple
- Jenn Strawbridge and Erin Heim shortlisted for Vice-Chancellor’s Awards
- Prof. Alister McGrath - The Development of Early Christology: Reflections from the Philosophy of Science
- Prof. Mark Harris | Quantum Fundamentalism and Theological Liberty (Andreas Idreos Chair in Science and Religion Inaugural Lecture)
- Prof Simon Coleman | Religion Refracted and in Motion: On Pilgrimage in Present Times - Lecture 1 ‘Trivial Religion?: From Liminal to Lateral’
- Prof Simon Coleman | Lecture 2 'Spirit and Blood: Between Communitas and Kinship’
- Prof Simon Coleman | Lecture 3 ‘Religious Real Estate: Properties of the Sacred’
- Prof Simon Coleman | Lecture 4 'A New Pilgrimage Ethic: On the Secular and the Serious’
- Lizibeth Fischer
- Jenn Strawbridge and Erin Heim success in Vice-Chancellor’s Awards
- Professor William Gibson
- Faculty of Theology and Religion Announces New Regius Professors
- Revd Dr. Kenneth O. Ofula
- Call for Expressions of Interest: British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowships 2024-25
- University of Oxford ranks second in the world for Theology, Divinity, and Religious Studies
- Call for Participants: UNIQ+ Research Survey on Gen Z Religious and Spiritual Role Models (Ages 18-27)
- Grinfield Lectures on the Septuagint, 2025-27
- Professor Katherine Southwood Honoured with Outstanding Service in Mentorship Award by the Society of Biblical Literature
- Emeritus Professor Guy Stroumsa Elected to British Academy
- Emeritus Professor John Barton Elected to the European Academy
- Andrew Atherstone, Katherine Southwood, and William Wood receive title of Full Professor in University’s Recognition of Distinction Awards
- Faculty Prize-Winners 2024
- On the Ambiguity of the Ambiguous Generation Z
- Fr Max Kramer
- Prof. Dr Frank Griffel
- Dr Sophie Aldred
- Vicky Stone
- The Revd. Prof. Andrew Davison
- Dr Victoria Turner
- New Testament Seminar
- Dr Buki Fatona
- Using Story Completion to Understand Gen Z’s Religious and Spiritual Role Models
- Science and Religion Research Seminars | Ian Ramsey Centre Lectures
- Modern Jewish Thought Seminar
- Ecclesiastical History Workshop
- ‘Categorical Dualism’
- Science and Religion Research Seminars | Ian Ramsey Centre Lectures
- What is a (Religious) Belief?
- ‘Likely stories: How the ancient drama of philosophy can help us think about the nonhuman world’
- McDonald Centre for Theology, Ethics, & Public Life Annual Conference 2025 | Christian Humanism and the Black Atlantic
- Call for Papers: Political Theologies of a Democratic Common Life
- Launch of the Oxford Collaboration on Theology and Artificial Intelligence (OCTAI)
- Augustinian Resemblances
- DPhil Student Zishang Yue Wins Prestigious Peacocke Prize in Science and Religion
- Zishuang Yue
- Understanding Gen Z's Religious and Spiritual Role Models
- Rev Canon Professor Luke Bretherton
- Dr Mehmet Yilmaz Ciftci
- Modern Theology Research Seminar
- Christian Ethics Graduate Research Seminar
- DPhil Students
- Gonzalo Fernandez
- Ben Isachsen
- Sarah Wisialowski
- Call for Papers: Understanding Generation Z’s Religious and Spiritual Role Models
- Alberto Solano Zatarain
- Ariel Dempsey
- Scott Maybell
- Emeritus Professor Nigel Biggar appointed to House of Lords
- Celebrating the Installation of Oxford’s Regius Professors at Christ Church
- Matthew Robinson
- Maura McKeon
- Professor Luke Bretherton Speaks at Sheldonian Series on ‘Life’
- Vacancy: McDonald Centre Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Christian Ethics
- Departmental Lecturer in Applied Theology
- Tyler Brown
- Revd Dr Jonathan Torrance
- Kenneth Tully
- Dr John Screnock
- Ida Pajunen
- Abaas Chaudhry
- Abigail Pasiuk