Augustinian Resemblances
Augustinian Resemblances is a project centred around the charism of scholarly friendship between its founders, Alberto Garzoni (Roman Catholic) and Dr. David Bennett (Anglican). The project aims to renew a sense of common purpose among different disciplines in theology (Patristics, systematics, ethics) through a shared interest in the reception of Augustine’s theology and authority. This reception within Catholicism, Anglicanism, Orthodoxy and beyond provides Christian confessions with a shared lingua franca, and a stable set of doctrinal and pastoral affinities (the ‘Augustinian resemblances’). The project will explore how this common language and these affinities can be employed to strengthen ecumenical dialogue and interrelationship, enrich and unify theological scholarship, and renew the Church’s life and society more broadly.
1. Lunches in Pusey House
Friday of 2nd Week, 26th January, 12-2pm
Friday of 7th Week, 1st March, 12-2pm
The two lunch meetings will provide a time for exchange and discussion. They will involve a short vignette to stimulate discussion and research ideas. They are designed for local Oxford researchers, but do let me know if you would like to attend from further afield. The first lunch will introduce the project’s vision.
2. Spring Symposium: Tranquillitas ordinis
Friday of 8th Week, 8th March, Pusey House
Names of Speakers and Paper Titles
- Dr David Bennett – Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Theology and Christian Ethics, Faculty of Theology and Religion, University of Oxford
‘Come Down So That You May Ascend’: Augustine’s Christological Ascent as Subversion of Classical Views of Eudaimonia
- Cody Brown – School of Divinity, University of St Andrews
Burdensome Pleasures and the Ease of Christ: Augustine's Justifications for the Eschewal of Material Goods
- Prof. Thomas Clemmons – School of Theology and Religious Studies, Catholic University of America (Washington, D.C.)
‘Hand to Hand’: Augustine’s Preaching on Works of Mercy
- Alberto Garzoni – Faculty of Theology and Religion, University of Oxford
What Is ‘Augustinianism’ Anyway? Charting New Ground for Christian Scholarship
- Revd Prof. Oskari Juurikkala – Faculty of Theology, Pontifical University of the Holy Cross (Rome, IT)
Augustine and Rationality in Nature: A Relational Word and a Contemporary Challenge
- Dr Marie-Ange Rakotoniaina – Lecturer in Theology, Fordham University, New York
The Sabbath Rest and the Poetics of Time in Augustine's Enarrationes in Psalmos
- Lauren Spohn – Lincoln College, University of Oxford
Apologia pro Vita Sua: Newman and Augustine on the Conversive Self
- Dr Audrey Southgate – Lincoln College, University of Oxford
Radical Augustinians: Augustinian Homiletics and Wycliffite Pedagogy
- Abraham Wu – Faculty of Divinity, University of Cambridge
Augustine on Self-Deception and the Noetic Effects of Sin: Its Reception and Retrieval in Contemporary Theology
Augustinian Thomism: Exploring the Augustinian Elements in the Thomistic Theological Tradition
An event series by the Augustinian Resemblances Initiative
Event 1
Speaker: Prof. Lewis Ayres (Durham University, Angelicum Thomistic Institute)
Topic: Augustine and the Creation of an Augustinian Tradition of Reflection on the Trinity
Date and Time: Tuesday, 21st January, 5:00–7:00 PM
Venue: Aula, Blackfriars Hall (St Giles)
Event 2
Speaker: Revd Prof. Oskari Juurikkala (Pontifical University of the Holy Cross)
Topic: Transforming Knowledge: The Synthesis of Aristotle and Augustine in Aquinas's Understanding of Faith
Date and Time: Thursday, 27th February, 5:00–7:00 PM
Venue: Canterbury Institute (82/83 St Aldate’s)
For more information or to register, please email