AKC Director and Lecturer in Ethics & Values at King's College London
Research Area(s):
Christian and Religious Ethics
Historical and Systematic Theology
Science and Religion
Research Interests:
I have wide-ranging interests in moral theology and philosophy, both at the conceptual level and in applied contexts. I also engage with qualitative and quantitative methods in psychology and economics. Current projects include moral exemplarism and finance; religious freedom and corporate bodies; religious madness and psychological medicine; and entrepreneurship education.
Major themes in my research include organizational and business ethics; virtue theory; philosophical and theological anthropology; and law and religion. I welcome doctoral supervision enquiries.
External Engagements:
Through Saïd Business School, I consult for the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses UK programme, which supports over 1,900 small business owners through networking and educational opportunities. My module on sales and marketing for the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women programme on Coursera has been taken by tens of thousands of entrepreneurs worldwide, and has been translated into Hindi, Portuguese and Spanish.
I have shared my research on culture and character in finance with MBA students in the Global Network for Advanced Management, with senior industry leaders convened by the Oxford Character Project, and with regulators at the Financial Conduct Authority.
My research on religious liberty has been featured on the New Books Network; the Berkley Center for Religion, Peace and World Affairs at Georgetown University; the Canopy Forum at Emory University; and the Oxford Centre for Life-Writing. My monograph, A Christian Approach to Corporate Religious Liberty, is featured in the 2020 Law and Religion bibliography of the Association of American Law Schools.
I peer review for several journals, including Business Ethics Quarterly, Sustainability, and Religions.
Research Centres & Projects:
The McDonald Centre for Theology, Ethics and Public Life