Dr Dafydd Mills Daniel on BBC Radio 3: Rethinking the Human Condition

Dr Dafydd Daniel

In ‘Rethinking the Human Condition’ on BBC Radio 3 Free Thinking, Dr Dafydd Mills Daniel discusses what it meant to be a ‘free-thinker’ in the British Enlightenment with reference to Thomas Woolston: an academic and Anglican clergyman who was prosecuted in the eighteenth-century for denying the literal truth of the Bible.

In suggesting that Woolston's emphasis upon ridicule, and controversial opinion of the Bible, were part of his radical Protestantism, as opposed to atheism, Dafydd argues that contemporary society still restricts free-thinking: we are not only an ‘age’ with its own indisputable ‘dogma’, but also one which tends to emphasise ‘the free part of free-thinking over the thinking part’. He also asks whether memory is a moral faculty.
